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One Hundred Bible Lessons p2

More arguments in favor of the existence of God by Alban Douglas…

Here are a couple of other points the author made:

Proof from conscience

…The honest man will find that the inner still small voice says that God exists and is alive today.

Men deny the existence of God not because they cannot find Him but because they are afraid to face the responsibility of being accountable to Him after death.

Atheism is one of the devil’s tools to put men to sleep without accepting salvation. If there is no God then I am not responsible to anyone and I can live and die as I please.

The argument from cause (Cosmological)

The world is here. It must have come from somewhere. Somebody or something must have caused it to come into being at one time or another.

Here is a book. Someone must have written it…Someone built the building. Someone created the trees. Someone operates the universe…

The only sensible answer to the problem of the existence of the world is the existence of an intelligent Being whom we call God.

The argument from design (Teleological)

A watch not only exists but it has a designer. It was planned for a specific purpose. A watch was not designed for mosquitoes to live in. It was designed by a keen mind for the purpose of accurately telling the time.

An examination of the world and the things large and small shows that each is designed by an intelligent mind for a specific purpose in life. The colors of the bird and means of defence of the animals are not accidents. They are the result of a plan of a superior planning mind of the originator.

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