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Chatterbox p2

Some more samples from a 1908 annual of Chatterbox magazine…

Old Newspaper Advertisements

…Advertisements formed as important a part in the newspapers of our forefathers as they do of ours. We give two specimens.

The first concerns a lad who had evidently given a good deal of trouble at home: “I know of a witty arch boy that is apt to play by the way when he goes on errands; would be disposed to a master of a ship, if any wants such.”

The next is also somewhat quaint in its requirements: “I want a complete young man that will wear livery, to wait on a very valuable gentleman, but he must know how to play on a violin or flute.”

Left at Teneriffe

When Nelson returned to England after the glorious victory of the Nile, he landed at Yarmouth. He was a Norfolk man, and the populace, frantic with enthusiasm for their hero, dragged his carriage to the place where he was to be presented with the freedom of the borough.

In taking the oath, Nelson placed his left hand upon the book. [the Bible].

“My lord,” said the town clerk, officiously, “your right hand!”

“I left that at Teneriffe,” said the Admiral, quietly.