One Hundred Bible Lessons p1

READERSVOICE.COM aims to give a few samples from old, out of print and sometimes forgotten books. Sometimes these are just as good as anything new. And they’re usually a lot cheaper.

The best places to find books like these are in opshops or charity stores. This issue features One Hundred Bible Lessons by Alban Douglas. This book was published in 1966 by OMF Publishers, of Manila, Philippines. It was concise, lucid and full of information. The author starts with the arguments in favor of the existence of God. Here are a couple of points the author made:

To begin our study in Bible doctrine, we ought to begin with God.

We are constantly challenged by atheists, skeptics and hecklers to prove that there is a God.

It is difficult for natural man to believe in something that he cannot see, touch or feel (1 Cor. 2:14) [the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians]…

The greatest proof apart from scripture of the existence of God is our daily fellowship with Him in prayer.

I know that there is a God because I talked to Him today and He heard and answered the prayer of my heart though it was only whispered silently.

Proof from scripture

Psalms 19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.” The beauty and glory of the heavens speak loudly saying, “God exists.”…The man who accepts Scripture will readily acknowledge the existence of God. Let us study some other less convincing but nevertheless powerful arguments.

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